Treatment Information


Prostate Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy.

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:4City/State/Province:New Brunswick, New Jersey
Treatments:ChemotherapyHospital:University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Date:Aug 2005


Patients: This Phase II study enrolled 40 men with metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. The mean age was age 70, and 21 had received prior chemotherapy.

Treatment: The treatment involved two chemotherapeutic drugs: docetaxel and vinoelbine. Filgrastim was supplemented to maintain white blood cell production.

Toxicity: The one grade 4 toxicity was neutropenia. Grade 2-3 toxicities included: fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, thrombocytopenia, and prolonged clotting time (PT).

Results: 13 of the 40 treated responded to the treatment with a reduction in prostate specific antigen of greater than 50%. Median survival was not reported.

Support: Aventis and Amgen supported this study. Aventis manufactures and markets docetaxel. Amgen manufactures and markets filgrastim. None of the authors disclosed any financial relationships with these companies.

Correspondence: Robert S. DiPaola.
