Actos Alert



What you need to know:

  • On April 8, 2014, a jury ordered the drug companies that make and market Actos to pay $9 Billion to Terrence Allen who was diagnosed with bladder cancer after taking Actos.
  • According to the FDA, all Actos products may be associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer.
  • Actos products are manufactured by a company called Takeda Pharmaceuticals which is a large Japanese pharmaceutical company.
  • Over 5,000 Actos related cases have already been filed by people diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Over 5,000 people have already had their cases filed.
Fill-out the form today to find out if you can join them.

Testimonials From Clients*

“ I WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS to you my sincere thanks for the efforts made in the past, and being made to obtain settlements on my behalf. I appreciate all the work your company and staff have done, and I just wanted to convey my gratitude.”
– S. Colvin

“ NOW THAT MY CASE has been settled I feel it necessary to write and let you know how grateful I am to your firm…Your research of our case, your professionalism before and during the trial, and especially during negotiations with the defendants is to be admired; and I thank you for the care and empathy that the attorneys gave this case.
– M. Smith

“WE WANTED TO EXPRESS our deep appreciation to all of you for the hard work you have done for us. It seems strange to meet perfect strangers and to pour our hearts out to you for a few days, and then walk away, probably never to see you again. It is sad that happens, but we just wanted to express our deepest appreciation for all the kindness you have shown to us as well as Greg and Mike.
Love – The Robinson Family

“PLEASE ACCEPT MY DEEPEST GRATITUDE for the work you have done for my dad and my family this past year…Throughout the process we were treated with respect, kindness and genuine concern. Because of this I would like to convey a message of appreciation and thankfulness to all involved.“ You-all” are pretty darn amazing and made a tremendous difference in our family! Thank you.”
– D. Cottew

*These testimonials concern other areas of litigation, not Actos, because Actos litigation is just beginning and the cases are still being processed.

Cancer Information