Legal Disclaimer

This website is for informational purposes only. None of the information provided is intended to constitute, nor does it constitute, legal advice.

None of the information in this website is intended to create an attorney-client relationship between Cancer Monthly, Inc. and visitors to this website. Neither the transmission nor receipt of this website material or the submission of any forms will create an attorney-client relationship between sender and receiver. The material contained in this website is general in nature and may not apply to particular factual or legal circumstances. This is no guarantee and no warranty that any of the information in this website has been updated to reflect subsequent legal, medical or other developments. Internet subscribers and online readers should not act on this information without seeking professional counsel or professional medical or legal guidance.

Please be advised that the choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. In addition, prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter, including yours, in which a lawyer or law firm may be retained.

The information provided on Cancer Monthly, Inc. is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. This information is not intended to create a legal relationship between Cancer Monthly, Inc. or any attorney and the user. Neither the transmission nor receipt of this website, nor the submission of any form or phone call, will create an attorney-client relationship between sender and receiver. The information is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current. There is no warranty, expressed or implied, about the accuracy or reliability of the information at this website or at any other website to which this site is linked.

This website is not intended to create and does not create an attorney-client relationship between the user and Cancer Monthly, Inc. The only way to become a client is through a mutual agreement signed by the client(s) with a law firm. The determination of whether you need legal services and your choice of a lawyer are very important matters that should not be based solely on websites or advertisements. A meeting with the counsel and prospective client(s) is recommended.

Any information that you send us in an e-mail message or inquiry submitted through the internet might not be secure, confidential or privileged. Cancer Monthly, Inc. makes efforts to protect personal information submitted by users of the website. However, you should take the fact that the internet is not guaranteed to be secure and confidential when submitting personal or confidential data about yourself on any website, including this one.

Additionally, while this website does not gather your name, e-mail address or similar information about you without your knowledge or consent, the website does permit you to voluntarily submit data about yourself so that we can forward your information to a law firm who can respond to your request. By filling out and submitting such forms you are agreeing to be contacted by a law firm(s). However, Cancer Monthly, Inc. makes absolutely no representations as to the suitability, costs, experience, skills, success or potential outcomes of the law firm(s). Selecting a lawyer is a serious decision and you are encouraged to research lawyers and law firms, use all available resources at your disposal, and ask questions to make an informed decision when hiring a lawyer or law firm. There is NO guarantee that Cancer Monthly, Inc. or a law firm will respond to all inquiries or requests for information. Be advised that a statute of limitations may apply to your potential case or claim. You should not depend on a submission, form or email that you make through or send to Cancer Monthly, Inc., Inc. to protect your statute of limitations. You should consult with an attorney directly to protect your legal rights.