Treatment Information


Rectal Cancer treatment details. Surgery.

Queens Hospital Center, Queens, New York, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:5City/State/Province:Queens, New York
Treatments:SurgeryHospital:Queens Hospital Center
Date:Mar 2002


Patients: This trial involved patients with one to three potentially resectable metastases of colorectal carcinoma to the liver. There were a total of 75 “assessable” patients in this trial divided into two groups. The “Control” group contained 45 patients and the “Chemotherapy” group contained 30 patients.

Treatment: Treatment in the Control group involved surgery only. Treatment in the Chemotherapy group involved surgery plus postoperative hepatic arterial floxuridine combined with intravenous continuous-infusion fluorouracil.

Toxicity: There were two postoperative deaths from operative complications – one in each group.

Results: The median survival of the Control group was 49.4 months.

Correspondence: M. Margaret Kemeny, MD
