Treatment Information


Rectal Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy, Surgery.

Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, Japan.

Survival: monthsCountry:Japan
Toxiciy Grade:2City/State/Province:Nagoya
Treatments:Chemotherapy, SurgeryHospital:Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
Date:Feb 2002


Patients: This trial involved 289 patients (“full-analysis set”) with Dukes B or C colorectal cancer. Patients were divided into two groups: UFT group and Control group. The UFT group contained 65 patients with Dukes stage B cancer and 80 patients with Dukes stage C. The control group contained 68 patients with Dukes stage B and 76 patients with Dukes stage C.

Treatment: The UFT group received curative resection (i.e. surgery) followed by the chemo drugs Uracil and Tegafur. The control group received surgery alone.

Toxicity: No grade 3 toxicity was observed. Grade 1 and 2 toxicities included: leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, Liver enzymes (AST, ALT), anorexia, pigmentation, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea.

Results: The 5-year survival rate was 80.4% in the UFT group and 76.5% in the control group. During follow-up recurrence was confirmed in 71 patients.

Support: The study was supported by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Tokyo.
