Treatment Information


Liver Cancer treatment details. Immunotherapy.

Oita Medical University, Hasama-machi, Japan.

Survival: monthsCountry:Japan
Toxiciy Grade:City/State/Province:Hasama-machi
Treatments:ImmunotherapyHospital:Oita Medical University
Date:Mar 2003


Patients: This Phase I study involved 10 patients with unresectable liver cancer. Eight had hepatocellular carcinoma and two had cholangiocellular carcinoma.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of immunotherapy based on autologous dendritic cells.

Toxicity: No hematological, hepatic, pulmonary or renal toxicities related to the treatment were observed in any of the patients.

Results: There were some improvements in tumor markers. In one patient, one of two liver tumors decreased in size. Survival was not discussed.

Correspondence: Shigeru Goto
