Treatment Information


Liver Cancer treatment details. Alternative.

Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan.

Survival: monthsCountry:Japan
Toxiciy Grade:City/State/Province:Kobe
Treatments:AlternativeHospital:Kobe Pharmaceutical University
Date:Jun 2002


Patients: This non-randomized trial involved a total of 36 patients comprised of: 12 liver cancer patients, 16 breast cancer patients, and 8 lung cancer patients.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of Maitake MD-fraction which is a product from the Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa).

Toxicity: No toxicity in mouse tests. Not discussed in respect to patients.

Results: The study provided information on six patients: 3 hepatocellular (liver) cancer patients, 2 lung cancer patients, 1 breast cancer patient. For these 3 liver cancer patients, the study reports:
Patient B (stage II – T1 N1M0) cisplatin treatment changed to Maitake MD-fraction in January 1995. “By July 1999 the tumor had completely disappeared.”
Patient C (stage III – T3N1M0) previously treated with ethanol injection treatment (PEIT) and adriamycin from April 1995 to January 1996. These treatments were discontinued. Patient took Maitake MD-fraction with PEIT. After one year, bilirubin and albumin levels reduced.
Patient D (stage III T3N1M0) previously treated with transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE), lipiodol (iodized poppy seed oil), adriamycin and cisplatin. In January 1996 it appears that this regimen was discontinued and replaced with Maitake MD-fraction and the chemotherapy drug 5-FU. Since February 1998 she has received only maitake products and is now diagnosed as stage I.

Correspondence: Noriko Kodama, Ph.D., Department of Microbial Chemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical University
