Treatment Information


Breast Cancer treatment details. Hormone.

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center , Dallas, Texas, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:3City/State/Province:Dallas, Texas
Treatments:HormoneHospital:M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Date:Mar 2003


Patients: This Phase II study involved 112 women with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of the drug arzoxifene (LY353381). (Arzoxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator.) Patients were divided into two groups and each group received arzoxifene at a different dose.

Toxicity: Grade 3 toxicities included nausea, cutaneous toxicity, neuromotor toxicity, “neuroheadache,” and vomiting.

Results: The median time to progression (when tumors grow and/or spread) was 2.7-2.8 months. A survival analysis was not performed.

Support: This study was sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company

Correspondence: Aman Buzdar, MD
