Treatment Information


Breast Cancer treatment details. Gene Therapy.

Wayne State University-Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, Michigan, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:2City/State/Province:Detroit, Michigan
Treatments:Gene TherapyHospital:Wayne State University-Karmanos Cancer Institute
Date:May 2001


Patients: This Phase I study involved 9 patients with recurrent and inoperable breast cancer and nine patients with head and neck cancer.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of intratumoral liposome E1A gene therapy. The E1A adenovirus gene is thought to act as a tumor inhibitor.

Toxicity: One breast cancer patient died of pneumonia which was not attributed to the treatment. Grade 2 toxicities included fever for the breast cancer patients.

Results: In one breast cancer patient there was no evidence of tumor from a biopsy taken from the tumor treatment site (during week 12 of the treatment). Overall survival was not discussed.

Support: This study was supported by a Targeted Genetics Corporation grant.
