Treatment Information


Breast Cancer treatment details. Chemotherapy.

NCI, Bethesda, MD, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:4City/State/Province:Bethesda, MD
Date:Apr 2005


Patients: This phase II study involved 37 women with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. The median age was 51 years, and all but five had received chemotherapy previously (with paclitaxel and/or docetaxel).

Treatment: The treatment involved one chemotherapeutic agent: ixabepilone.

Toxicity: Grade 1-4 toxicities included neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and fatigue. Grade 1-3 toxicities included febrile neutropenia, diarrhea, nausea, neurotoxicity, and vomiting.

Results: The overall survival was not reported.

Support: One of the authors had received honoraria as a consultant from Bristol-Meyers-Squibb. Bristol-Meyers-Squibb originally developed Ixabepilone (BMS-247550).

Correspondence: Sandra M. Swain, M.D.
