Treatment Information


Melanoma treatment details. Immunotherapy.

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States.

Survival: monthsCountry:United States
Toxiciy Grade:3City/State/Province:Los Angeles, CA
Treatments:ImmunotherapyHospital:University of Southern California
Date:Apr 2003


Patients: This Phase II study involved 15 patients with resected metastatic melanoma.

Treatment: The treatment consisted of a multipeptide vaccine administered with progenipoietin an agonist of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.

Toxicity: There was one grade 3 neutropenia. Grade 1-2 toxicities included bone pain, fatigue, and nausea.

Results: The overal median survival was not reported.

Support: The study was supported by Pharmacia. This company manufactures or markets progenipoietin.

Correspondence: Jeffrey S. Weber, MD
