
L. Duncan Bulkley, treated cancer in the early 20th century
L. Duncan Bulkley, MD treated cancer in the early 20th century

Our researchers recently took a journey back in time and examined what physicians were discussing and writing about the treatment of cancer nearly one hundred years ago. We wanted to know if a holistic approach to cancer was a recent phenomenon in Western medicine. What we found was startling. We discovered that many doctors who treated cancer in the beginning of the 1900’s believed that general health, nutrition, and diet played an important role in both the cause of cancer and its management. In fact, many of these doctors used cancer therapies specifically aimed at eliminating toxins and reinstating a general state of health in the body. A few were critical of the use of “local measures” like surgery and radiation for what they viewed as a “constitutional” disease.

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Dr. Merrill Garnett and First Pulse
Dr. Merrill Garnett

First Pulse: A Personal Journey in Cancer Research by Dr. Merrill Garnett is a fascinating personal account of the author’s 40 year quest for an effective cancer therapy. What makes his story unique is the paradigm that the author has applied as he addresses the cancer problem. Unlike most cancer researchers who think in terms of cellular and genetic processes, Dr. Garnett thinks in terms of cellular and genetic energetics or what he calls “electrogenetics,” which is “the energetic process which edits the genome during the life of the organism.” In essence, it’s a question of energy and electrical potential that Garnett sees at the core of cancer.

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Charlotte GersonCharlotte Gerson is the daughter of the late Dr. Max Gerson, M.D. who founded a nutritional healing therapy for degenerative diseases including cancer. The Gerson Therapy is a type of “metabolic therapy” designed to eliminate toxins from the body and enhance immune function so that the body can defend itself against cancer. Dr. Gerson’s method is described in his book, “A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer.” The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to the alternative treatment of degenerative disease. Founded by Charlotte Gerson in 1977, it is the only source for information on the true and unmodified Gerson Therapy.

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Dr. William Coley and cancerImmunotherapy is based on the concept that a patient’s immune system can be stimulated or enhanced to attack cancer. Dr. William B. Coley (1862-1936), a bone sarcoma surgeon was the first to study immunotherapy as a potential cancer treatment. For 40 years Coley injected streptococcal bacteria into cancer patients (primarily those with inoperable bone and soft-tissue sarcomas) in order to stimulate the immune system.

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